Training Services
What training is needed for cathodic protection system testing and adjustment?
One of the significant setbacks with delivering corrosion protection services is the improper installation and incorrect testing of these systems which in most cases rely on the skills and knowledge of the site technicians performing the work.
While the performance requirements for installation and testing are included in the relevant standards and consultant’s technical specifications, passing the relevant and key information to site operators with relation to achieving the requirements of standards and specifications is often a complicated task.
Some of the key aspects of cathodic protection installation include the ability to perform testing such as; electrical continuity testing; electrical short circuit testing; potential mapping for the purpose of selecting the correct reference electrode locations; temporary energising during installation…. etc. All of this requires the ability to use different testing equipment and for technicians to have sound understanding on how to perform the testing work with confidence.
While there are industry accredited courses from the Australian Concrete Repair Association (ACRA), the Australian Corrosion Association (ACA) and NACE International, the scope and aim of our training services targets practical information and hands-on training related to the basics of corrosion protection system site installation and testing.
Our training services are suitable for remedial contractors involved in the installation of impressed current and sacrificial anode cathodic protection systems, and for personnel involved in the supervision of remedial contract work.
Training Packages
Remedial Technology offers three training packages for engineers, bridge inspectors, site supervisors and asset managers related to concrete repair and corrosion protection systems for concrete structures.
The training packages are specifically designed to share practical knowledge with personnel involved in the supervision, installation, and maintenance of concrete repairs carried out in conjunction with Sacrificial Anode Cathodic Protection (SACP), Hybrid Anode Cathodic Protection (HACP) and Impressed Current Cathodic Protection (ICCP) systems.
The aim of the training packages is to build competencies directly related to the applicable Australian Standards for these technologies.
Training Package 1 - Inspection of Structures
Training package 1 is designed for engineers and bridge inspectors. The purpose of this training is to provide thorough understanding related to identifying the causes of concrete defects typically seen on infrastructure assets.
The second part of training provides usable knowledge relating to the testing methods for concrete structures.
1.1 Main Causes of Concrete Deterioration
Chloride contamination
Depth of concrete cover
Alkali Aggregate Reaction (AAR)
Structural defects
1.2 Assessment of Existing Concrete Structures
Delamination testing
Concrete cover testing
Chloride, sulphate and cement content analysis
Carbonation depth measurement
ARR assessment
Reinforcement continuity
Concrete resistivity
Potential mapping
Compressive strength testing
Training Package 2 - Concrete Repair and Corrosion Protection
Training package 2 is designed for engineers and site supervisors. The purpose of this training is to share knowledge and industry experience related to concrete repair in conjunction with corrosion protection systems.
2.1 Concrete repair (without corrosion protection)
Criteria for mortar selection
Concrete removal
Reinforcement preparation
Concrete reinstatement
2.2 Concrete repair in conjunction with corrosion protection systems
Criteria for mortar selection
Continuity testing of rebar
Selection of reference electrode locations
Installation of reference electrodes
2.3 Installation of SACP systems
Types of SACP systems: Incipient / global
Continuity testing anode to rebar
SACP systems (water anodes)
Testing at monitoring boxes
2.4 Installation of HACP systems
Types of HACP systems
Installation methodology:
- Hybrid (battery) anode systems
- Systems with impressed current/galvanic phase
Typical monitoring boxes
Testing at monitoring boxes
2.5 Installation of ICCP systems
ICCP system components (concrete)
ICCP system components (water anodes)
ICCP system installation and testing
ICCP control unit
ICCP/SACP system commissioning
ICCP/SACP system monitoring guidelines
Training Package 3 - Electrochemical Technologies
Training package 3 is designed for engineers and managers. The purpose of this seminar is to provide information about the various corrosion protection systems currently in use in Australia and how these technologies are effectively applied to concrete structures.
3.1 Areas of protection of concrete structures
- submerged,
- tidal, splash, and atmospheric
3.2 Description of electrochemical protection systems
Tidal/splash and atmospheric:
- SACP (incipient anodes)
- SACP (global systems)
Other technologies:
- Realkalisation
- Desalination
3.3 Applicable standards for corrosion protection
AS 2832.5-2008 (R2018) – Concrete Structures
AS 2832.3-2005 (R2016) – Submerged Steel Piles
AS 2832.2-2003 (R2016) – Buried Structures
CEN/TS 14038-1
NACE SP0107-2021
3.4 Selection criteria for corrosion protection systems
3.5 Testing & monitoring of corrosion protection systems