What is the process for concrete rectification work?
One of the most important components of a successful rehabilitation project is preparation of the work specification. An adequate specification enables substantial cost reduction, elimination of contract variations, completion of the project on time, and the optimum rehabilitation solution for the structure.
In some complex electrochemical applications, where for instance cathodic protection is specified, it is highly recommended to undertake a pilot project as part of the specification preparation in order to verify various design assumptions such as steel continuity, concrete resistivity, the protection level for multi-layers reinforcement, rebar continuity, optimum CP zoning etc. A pilot project which is undertaken for design verification purposes will assist in material selection, system design, elimination of variations and, in some cases, may lead to major cost savings.
At Remedial Technology, we have extensive design expertise and practical remediation construction experience which enables us to advise on and prepare the optimum specification including design and design validation, bill of quantities, and quality assurance testing requirements. We are also able to assist in all aspects of tendering and contract administration.
Our services include:
Repair specification
Repair verification (trial application)
Tendering services
Contract administration