Our Team

Atef Cheaitani
MSc FIEAust CPEng NER APEC Engineer IntPE(Aus) RPEQ
Atef Cheaitani founded Remedial Technology in April 2013 after an extensive career as Senior Corrosion Engineer, Technical Manager, General Manager, Chief Technology Officer, and General Manager - Global Operations in Remedial Engineering Pty Ltd, Savcor ART Pty Ltd and Savcor Group Ltd.
Over the past 29 years, Atef has utilised lateral thinking and innovative solutions to provide Australian and international asset owners with high value solutions for infrastructure corrosion prevention and protection. Over the course of his career, he has pioneered the introduction and implementation of effective solutions for complex rehabilitation problems in the building, industrial and marine sectors.
Further, Atef has been involved in the development of various patented technologies and materials associated with corrosion control systems for reinforced concrete structures.
Since 1993, Atef has presented numerous technical papers and publications at major national and international conferences. In addition, he has participated in hundreds of seminars on corrosion control technologies in Australia, New Zealand, Europe, South America, Hong Kong, China, Russia, India, Vietnam and the United States.
Atef has been involved in the development of the Australian Standard for cathodic protection in concrete AS 2832.5.
In 1995, Atef pioneered the introduction of cathodic prevention technology to Australia at the Sydney Opera House broadwalk support structure, and to China in 2004 at the Hangzhou Bay Bridge (the longest sea crossing bridge in the world).
Atef holds a Masters degree from the United Kingdom majoring in deterioration of reinforced concrete structures.

Samir Cheytani
BpropEc MPhil Mat Sci & Eng
Operations Manager
Samir is the co-founder of Remedial Technology and has experience in Quality Assurance and condition assessment of concrete structures affected by steel reinforcement corrosion. Samir is involved in investigative site work including concrete surveys, electrochemical testing of concrete, data analysis and the development of concrete rehabilitation and corrosion protection solutions.
Samir also has knowledge in the maintenance and monitoring of cathodic protection (CP) systems installed on marine infrastructure assets. His experience includes site inspections, diagnostic testing, depolarisation testing, data analysis and system adjustment in accordance to the relevant Australian Standards for cathodic protection. His work requires a thorough understanding of cathodic protection in reinforced concrete structures for the purposes of technical verification, quality assurance and reporting.
In 2020, Samir concluded research and experimental work on the ‘data analysis of the long-term residual effect of cathodic protection on reinforced concrete structures’ at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). The outcomes from his research have added to the body of knowledge about electrochemical protection of steel in concrete, and the lasting effects of induced steel polarisation.

Martin Cheytani
PhD Mat Sci & Eng
Technical Manager
Martin joined Remedial Technology in January 2015 to develop Remedial’s Technology Cathodic Protection Management System (CPMS) and was appointed as Technical Manager in 2017. His areas of expertise include monitoring and maintenance of CP systems, cathodic protection software and hardware development and the design and maintenance of electrochemical protection systems including galvanic and impressed current CP systems.
In 2014, Martin completed a Bachelor of Construction Management degree at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS).
In 2017 he also completed a Masters of Philosophy degree (MPhil) in Material Science and Engineering at the University of New South Wales (UNSW). His research area was ‘grout acidification of ribbon anode in ICCP systems in concrete’.
In 2015-17, Martin was responsible for the development of the software and communication protocols for Remedial Technology’s Cathodic Protection Management System (CPMS). This system has enabled remote monitoring capability and control of CP systems for numerous clients in Australia. Martin’s work with CPMS has allowed major efficiency gains in terms of software and hardware upgrades, CP system maintenance and monitoring capabilities.
In 2018, Martin began development of MicroNex.
In 2022, Martin completed a PhD at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) on "The Impact of Concrete Resistivity on the Design of Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Systems".